"El proyecto "(e-nvironclusion)" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El

"El proyecto "(e-nvironclusion)" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2022


 Una de las primeras actividades realizadas en el entorno de la ACCIÓN C6: CULTURAL & SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: OUR HERITAGE, dentro del Proyecto europeo ERASMUS+ "e-nvoronclusion" fue una demostración de las músicas y bailes tradicionales de nuestros respectivos países y regiones. 


El centro anfitrión nos ofreció, además, una muestra del folklore y tradiciones polacas y litauanas en las que participaron alumnos de todas las edades del centro educativo. 

(Os reproducimos la presentación de las alumnas lituanas: Ugné y Agné): 

"Ugnė and Agnė: Hello, I am Agne and this is Ugne and today we are going to introduce you to tradition cheering and folk songs in Lithuania!
Agne: Ugne, what do you think, why should people cherish the traditions?
Ugne: In my opinion, cheering traditions is a really important connection with the past and the future, besides by saving our traditions we could become different from other countries.
Agne: That is a really fascinating thought, I totally agree with you!
Ugne: I think, we should tell everybody more about our folk music….

Ugne: Sutartinės known as multipart songs are a form of polyphonic music performed by female singers in north-east Lithuania. The songs have simple melodies, with two to five pitches, and comprise two distinct parts: a meaningful main text and a refrain that may include nonsense words. The songs can be singed about war, wedding, family,  calendar events.
And also, the UNESCO officialy included multipart songs on a representive humanitarian heritage list.

Agnė: By the way the songs can be performed by two singers in parallel seconds, by three singers in scrict canon or two groups of singers, the lead singer of each pair singing the main text, while the partner sings the refrain, before the second part repeats.

Ugne:The choreography is not that hard, the movements are usually like: walking in a circle or a star while linking arms and stamping feet.
Last but not least fact about multipart songs is that the songs are usually performed by women and the man perform the instrumental version on pan-pipes, horns, long wood trumpets.

Agne: Our school would like to perform a show  for all of you, dear guests. We hope you enjoy!

(Lenkų pasirodymas)
(Lietuvių pasirodymas)

We heard, that all the guests are going to introduce their countries as well. Good luck!"

Os dejamos algunas fotos con los trajes regionales de Lituania: 

Y todos nos animamos a bailar con ellos: 

Después llegó el turno de los demás países: 


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